ARST DLE 501 runs through Sant'Antonio di Gallure with the tourist train form Tempio Pausania to Palau Marina on 3 July 2017.
ARST Adm 59 forms the tourist train from Sassari to Palau Marina running through Martis Birio station on 6 July 2017.
ARST Adm 59 forms the tourist train from Sassari to Palau Marina approaching Perfugas on 6 July 2017.
ARST Adm 59 forms the tourist train from Sassari to Palau Marina approaching Perfugas on 6 July 2017.
ARST DLE 605 approaches Lanusei station with the tourist train from Arbatax to Gairo on 10 July 2017. Soon the railway line would be blocked by line side fire damaging many sleepers.
ARST DLE 605 runs through a visibly arid landscape at Villagrande Strisaili with the tourist train from Arbatax to Gairo on 10 July 2017. Soon the railway line would be blocked by line side fire damaging many sleepers.
ARST DLE 605 approaches Gairo station with the tourist train from Arbatax to Gairo on 10 July 2017. Soon the railway line would be blocked by line side fire damaging many sleepers.
ARST DLE 605 reached Gairo station with the tourist train from Arbatax to Gairo on 10 July 2017. Soon the railway line would be blocked by line side fire damaging many sleepers. The line further westward was already closed since 2016.
An old ARST coach waits for the locomotive to be refilled with water to depart Gairo station as the tourist train to Arbatax on 10 July 2017.
An old ARST coach waits for the locomotive (ARST DLE 605 in the background) to be refilled with water to depart Gairo station as the tourist train to Arbatax on 10 July 2017.
As the only D445 active on this day FS D445 1038 pushes four FS coaches as train REG 22913 (San Gavino Monreale - Cagliari) at Elmas Aeroporte on 10 July 2017.
FS 365 003 swings in the curve just east of Decimomannu as train R 3956 (Cagliari - Olbia) on 10 July 2017.
FS Aln 663 1173 is at the rear of train R 12977 (Carbonia Serbariu - Cagliari) in the curve just east of Decimomannu on 10 July 2017.
As the only D445 active on this day FS D445 1038 hauls train REG 268882 (Cagliari - Oristano) on the new railway alignment just south of San Gavino Monreale on 10 July 2017.
FA Aln 668 3219 forms the rear of train REG 26885 (Macomer - Cagliari) on the new railway alignment just south of San Gavino Monreale on 10 July 2017.
FA Aln 668 1139 leads Aln 668 3241 in train R 22918 (Cagliari - San Gavino Monreale) on the new railway alignment just south of San Gavino Monreale on 10 July 2017.
FA 365 004 spurts as train R 3957 (Olbia - Cagliari) on the new railway alignment just south of San Gavino Monreale on 10 July 2017.