LG 2M62UM-0383 departs Vaidotai marshalling yard in Lithuania with a mixed freight train towards Kaunas while shunter LG 046 looks on; 29 May 2016.
BCh 2TE10MK-3648 just entered the European Union at Kalveliai (near Kena in Lithuania) with a mixed freight toward Vaidotai on 29 May 2016.
Russian and USA made locomotives meet at Valga in Estonia on 30 May 2016. ERS 2TE116-1366 (left) departs with a tank car train to Tallinn while EVR 1501 shunts with three flat cars with enormous stanchions.
ERS 2TE116-1366 pauses for a moment in Tartu (Estonia) with a tank car train from Valga to Tallinn on 30 may 2016.
EVR 1511 departs Tapa (Estonia) with seven gondolas bound for Kohtla-Nomme on 31 May 2016.
Another meet between a Russian and a USA built locomotive, this time in Rakvere (Estonia) on 31 May 2016. EVR 1511 shunts in the yard while Kunda Trans TEM18-199 departs with tank car to Kunda.
EVR 1530 arrives at Kohtla-Nomme (Estonia) with a mixed freight from Tapa on 31 May 2016.
A OÜ Formet Grupp TEM2 moves an empty sand train (which originated in Narva) from Kivioli yard (Estonia) to the local sand depot on 31 May 2016.
EVR 1511 passes the old station of Kabala (Estonia) with a mixed freight from Kohtla-Nomme to Tapa on 31 May 2016.
EVR 1511 approaches Tapa (Estonia) with a mixed freight from Kohtla-Nomme to Tapa on 31 May 2016.
Leonhard Weiss RTE 1327 shunts a work train in Tapa (Estonia) on 1 June 2016.
EVR 1527 departs the industrial area of Kivioli (Estonia) with a sand train bound for Narva on 1 June 2016.
GO Rail TEP70-0237 approaches Tapa (Estonia) with six RZD coaches as train 034A (Moskva Okt Leningradski, Russia - Tallinn, Estonia) on 1 June 2016.
EVR 1515 runs through Pussi (Estonia) with an empty sand train from Narva to Kivioli on 1 June 2016
EVR 1538 approaches Kabala (Estonia) with a grain train from Kohtla-Nomme to Tallinn on 1 June 2016.
EVR 1538 approaches Tapa (Estonia) with a grain train from Kohtla-Nomme to Tallinn on 1 June 2016.
EVR 1511 accelarates out of Tapa (Estonia) with the local goods train to Kohtla-Nomme on 2 June 2016.
EVR 1511 rounds the curve at Kadrina (Estonia) with the local goods train from Tapa to Kohtla-Nomme on 2 June 2016.
EVR 1511 arrives at Rakvere (Estonia) with the local goods train from Tapa to Kohtla-Nomme on 2 June 2016.
GO Rail TEP70-0237 approaches Tapa (Estonia) with eight RZD coaches as train 034A (Moskva Okt Leningradski, Russia - Tallinn, Estonia) on 2 June 2016.
EVR 1511 runs through Pussi (Estonia) industrial area with the local goods train from Tapa to Kohtla-Nomme on 2 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-667 catches the last rays of sun as it approaches Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with a westbound oil train from Krustpils to Riga on 2 June 2016.
Fresh colored LDZ 2TE10U-0185 approaches Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with a westbound train of gondolas from Krustpils to Riga on 3 June 2016.
LDZ TEP70-0250 pulls 15 LDZ coaches (the 11th is a measurement coach) as train 703 from Daugavpils to Riga at Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) on 3 June 2016.
LDZ CHME3-4695 pushes two gondolas from a siding to Krustpils station on 3 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-1060 hauls a train of gondolas from Riga to Rezekne at Kukas (Latvia) on 3 June 2016.
Skinest Rail 2TE116-889 blasts out of Kukas (Latvia) with a grain train from Rezekne to Riga on 3 June 2016.
Skinest Rail 2TE116-889 blasts out of Kukas (Latvia) with a grain train from Rezekne to Riga on 3 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0070 leaves Vilani (Latvia) station with a mixed goods from Rezekne to Riga on 3 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 runs through the woods near Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) with a gondola train from Rezekne to Riga on 3 June 2016.
Fresh colored LDZ 2M62U-0089 approaches Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with a westbound mixed freight train from Krustpils to Riga on 3 June 2016.
LDZ DR1A-3111 and 1983 approaches Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with train 815 (Zilupe - Riga) on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 climbs the incline at Kukas (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 approaches Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 approaches Stirniene (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 approaches Vilani (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0093 arrives at Rezekne (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10U-0189 passes Stirniene (Latvia) station with a freight train from Riga to Rezekne on 4 June 2016.
LDZ DR1A-2104R/2101 departs Stirniene (Latvia) station as passenger train 808 (Riga - Zilupe) on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-997 awaits a crossing at Stirniene (Latvia) station at the helm of a coal train from Rezekne to Riga on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-997 leaves Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) behind at the helm of a coal train from Rezekne to Riga on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10U-0220 passes Stirniene (Latvia) station with an oil train from Rezekne to Riga on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10U-0220 leaves Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) behind at the helm of an oil train from Rezekne to Riga on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-1050 hauls a grain train from Rezekne to Riga at Stirniene (Latvia) on 4 JUne 2016.
LDZ DR1A-3111 and 1983 form train 809 (Daugavpils - Riga) near Upenieki (Latvia) on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10U-0188 takes a train of gondolas from Daugavpils to Riga at Riteni (Latvia) on 4 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-928 storms through Nicgale (Latvia) with a gondola train from Daugavpils to Riga on 4 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-0676 approaches Vaidotai (Lithuania) marshalling yard with an empty oil train from Klaipeda on 5 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-0383 takes the S-curve at Pakalniskes (Lithuania) with an oil train from Belarusia via Kena to Vaidotai on 5 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-1198 takes another S-curve at Pakalniskes (Lithuania) with a mixed freight train from Belarusia via Kena to Vaidotai on 5 June 2016.
LG TEP70BS-004 stroms through the tiny Baltamiskis (Lithuania) station with nine 9 RZD coaches forming corridor train 147 (Minsk, Belarusia - Kaliningrad, Russia) on 5 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-0568 stroms through the tiny Baltamiskis (Lithuania) station with a train of gondolas from Vaidotai to Klaipeda on 5 June 2016.
LG TEP70-0335 approaches full speed the tiny Baltamiskis (Lithuania) station with four LG coaches forming train 780 (Klaipeda - Vilnius) on 5 June 2016.
LDZ CME3M-6192 takes a mixed freight train from one marshalling yard to the other in Daugavpils (Latvia) on 5 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10M-3423 catches the last rays of light as it runs through Trepe (Latvia) with a gondola train from Daugavpils to Riga on 5 June 2016.
LDZ M62-1176 approaches Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with a work train from Krustpils towards Riga on 6 June 2016.
LDZ DR1A-2223 and 2221 approache Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) with a train from Krustpils to Riga on 6 June 2016.
Quite colourful: LDZ TEP70-0204 heads one RZD and 14 LDZ coaches forming train 703 (Dauhavpils - Riga) near Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) on 6 June 2016.
LDZ TEP70-0234 and four BCh coaches accelarate out of Krustpils (Latvia) as a train from Minsk (Belarusia) to Riga on 6 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE116-1259 takes an empty oil train from Riga to Rezekne past Jauna Muiza (Latvia) on 6 JUne 2016.
EB 2M62-0738 and an empty oil train from Jelgava to Rezekne try to get ahead of a rain shower at Mezare (Latvia) on 6 June 2016.
EB 2M62-0738 and an empty oil train from Jelgava to Rezekne run through Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) on 6 June 2016.
EB 2M62-0738 and an empty oil train from Jelgava to Rezekne take the roller coaster at Vilani (Latvia) on 6 June 2016.
With the sun already having itself positioned under the clouds LDZ 2TE10M-3421 takes a gondola train from Daugavpils to Riga at Riteni (Latvia) on 6 June 2016.
The sun is still very low as LDZ DR1A-3111 and 1983 approach Krustpils Pagasts (Latvia) as train 815 (Zilupe - Riga) on 7 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0097 enters Krustpils (Latvia) station with empty gondolas from Riga to Rezekne on 7 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0097 rounds the curve at Jauna Muiza (Latvia) with empty gondolas from Riga to Rezekne on 7 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0097 runs through Kukas (Latvia) with empty gondolas from Riga to Rezekne on 7 June 2016.
LDZ 2M62U-0097 approaches Atasienes Pagasts (Latvia) with empty gondolas from Riga to Rezekne on 7 June 2016.
LDZ 2TE10U-0218 rounds the curve at Jauna Muiza (Latvia) with empty gondolas from Riga to Rezekne on 7 June 2016.
Skinest Rail 2TE116-429 uses a new track at Spungeni (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Daugavpils on 7 June 2016.
Skinest Rail 2TE116-429 passes the old shed at Nicgale (Latvia) with a freight train from Riga to Daugavpils on 7 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-1061 tries to get a gondola train to Kena up to speed leaving Vaidotai (Lithuania) marshalling yard on 7 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-1161 tries to get a grain train to Klaipeda up to speed leaving Vaidotai (Lithuania) marshalling yard on 7 June 2016.
LG 2M62M-0672 tries to get a mixed freight train to Klaipeda up to speed leaving Vaidotai (Lithuania) marshalling yard on 7 June 2016.